Gedicht: Welcome Back

“Sit down and have a cup of tea.
Where have you been?
Have you crossed the sea?
What have you seen?
Sit down and share with us
What on your road was.”

“I‘ve met strangers
Who are strangers no more.
I‘ve faced dangers
I couldn‘t ignore.”

Foreign worlds now come to life.
And you look lifeless instead.
Wonders and miracles arive
Our ears, but you look so dead.

“I think I am stronger.”
“But you look so pale.”
“Can‘t you listen no longer?”
“Too strange is your tale.”

Exhausted and tired and sad –
Your eyes speak another tongue.
While you‘re talking us mad
They sing a lonely song.
“You name every place you‘ve been.
Tell what these names mean.”

“They say what these places are called.
I hardly had chance to investigate.
There was no place to grow old
My schedule was precisely laid.”

“Were these places happier than ours?
Had fortune a home there?
Didn‘t they count there hours?”
“Your comparison appears unfair.”

“You returned and speak too much
That there is no place like such.
Can‘t you stop telling us that
The streets are there so broad.
Out there it‘s greater than great?
So, go back to your road!”

Alexander Florin: Alexander Florinein Kind der 70er • studierter Anglist/Amerikanist und Mediävist (M.A.) • wohnhaft in Berlin • Betreiber dieses Blogs • mehr über Alexanders Schaffen: ||  bei Facebook || auf Twitter folgen

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